Hi! I've just joined One World One Heart! It is a fantastic way to meet other bloggers. It was started by Lisa Swifka in 2007. If you would like to join or find out more go to awhimsicalbohemian.typepad.com
Welcome to my blog! This is a new blog and I am learning as I go. Please say Hello if you get a chance and please drop by again when I'll have more to share.
If you are interested in entering the giveaway see below.
Thanks for stopping by!

If you are interested in entering the giveaway you must leave a comment to be eligible to win. Please leave a link back to you or leave an email address so you can be contacted if you should win. One comment per person. Contest ends Noon EST on Feb 15. I will use a random generator to pick the winner and I will leave a post and contact the winner on the eve of the 15Th.
Good Luck! And thanks for stopping by!